Do I Need a Child Care License?

Click the button below to determine if the child care you provide in your home requires a Colorado child care license.
Do I need a license?

Becoming a License Child Care Provider

Classes are being offered Now! Some Financial assistance and free training is available to residents of Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Lincoln counties.

To learn more about training and licensed home child care contact CKLECC Coordinator Julie Witt at (719) 775-8622 or

Steps to Becoming a Licensed Home Child Care Provider

  1. Print a Licensing Application Packet from the Colorado Department of Early Childhood or get one in-person from Cheyenne, Kiowa, Lincoln Early Childhood Council (CKLECC). Read page six titled “Instructions for Completing the Application Packet” to see an overview of the process. Read through the three Rule Sections that apply to home providers: 7.701 (General Rules for Child Care Facilities), 7.707 (Rules Regulating Family Child Care Homes) and 7.719 (Rules Regulating Special Activities).
  2. Contact your local entities to make sure you are complying with local zoning codes, ordinances, homeowner’s associations, etc.
  3. Sign up to take the required trainings (see Required Trainings). This can often take time and planning because it depends on the availability of these trainings in your area. You should be very close to completing all the trainings before your Initial Licensing Visit.
  4. Complete the application and mail it to CO Division of Early Care and Learning with the payment fee. Detailed instructions on everything that must be include in your application are explained on the sheet called “Instructions for Completing the Application Packet.”
  5. Continue to attend required trainings & ask the early childhood council about child care grant opportunities to assist with licensing costs.
  6. A Licensing Specialist will conduct an “Initial Licensing Visit” at your home 6-8 weeks after your license application is submitted. The exact time will be a surprise, but you will be notified to expect one within a certain range of days.
  7. Complete the required trainings. You should have all trainings completed by the time of your Initial Licensing visit.

Required Trainings - All trainings must be taught by a Colorado Division of Early Child Care and Learning Approved Vendor

Pre-licensing (15 hours, usually split into 2 days)
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Never
Find it: Offered in-person at least once a year by CKLECC or offered online through Wildwood.
Standard Precautions aka "Blood Borne Pathogens" (1.5 hours)
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Annually
Find it: Offered in-person by CKLECC through approved vendors, offered for free online through PDIS - or online through OSHA.
Medication Administration (4 hours)
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Every 3 years
Find it: Offered in-person by CKLECC; Part I is free online through PDIS -
Shaken Baby Abusive head Trauma (1 hour)
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Annually
Find it: Offered free online through PDIS -
Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome & Use of Safe Sleeping Practices
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Annually
Find it: Offered for free online through PDIS -
Child Care & Preschool Immunizations (self-guided online module)
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Annually
Find it: Offered for free online through PDIS -
First Aid/CPR (6 hours)
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Every 2 years
Find it: Offered in-person by CKLECC through approved training vendors
Recognition & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect (self-guided online module)
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Annually
Find it: Offered for free online through PDIS -
Building & Physical Premises Safety/Storage of Hazardous Materials and Bio-Contaminants
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Never, update as needed
Find it: Information is provided on the Colorado Shines PDIS.
Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
Required: Before license is issued
Renew: Never
Find it: Information is provided on the Colorado Shines PDIS. Providers should take the training and build an emergency response plan.


For more information on how to become a licensed home child care provider and to review state rules and regulations visit the Colorado Office of Early Childhood website.

Contact CKLECC to arrange assistance with the required training and to find out more about Child Care Mini Grants that are available to assist with cost!